Antigos Posts

SVN no Mac

RapidSVN is a cross-platform GUI front-end. SmartSVN – The Smart Subversion-Client. ZigVersion is a Version Control interface for Mac developers that works with Subversion servers. The goal of the Subcommander project is to build an easy to use, cross platform subversion GUI client including a visual diff and merge tool. Problemas com Subversion on Mac […]

Antigos Posts

Interfaces Gestuais

Demonstração da interface Multi-Touch Interaction. Multi-Touch displays @ Interney. New Apple Patent Applications – User interface for Apple Tablet. Gestures for touch sensitive input devices- looks very much like a GUI for a tablet with a touch sensitive screen. Clearly, there are lots of example of prior art but Apple has put a lot of […]

Acessibilidade Antigos Posts Design Software Usabilidade


Mozilla 1.7 Beta… GUIdebook, viagra buy um ótimo apanhado de diversas interfaces gráficas… Fonte: Gildot.