- Design patterns – Padrões de Interação.
- Link do ano: Para o Felipe Memória.
- Yahoo! Design Pattern Library.
- The Elements of a Design Pattern.
- Patterns in Interaction Design. (Repeteco!)
- Standards, Guidelines & Patterns. (Repeteco!)
- Yahoo! User Interface Library.
- Yahoo! UI Library: Animation.
- Yahoo! User Interface Blog.
- A Guide to Yahoo! Action Buttons.
- Implementing a Pattern Library in the Real World: A Yahoo! Case Study.
- Web Design patterns in interaction design.
- User Interface Design Patterns.
- UI Patterns and Techniques.
- Designing Interfaces: Patterns for Effective Interaction.
- Convenções em Web Design.
- Web Design Practices.
- A Pattern Language Approach to Usability Knowledge Management.
- Patterns in Game Design.
- Guidelines for Designing user interface software.
- IA Summit: Design Patterns in the Real World.