Bicicleta – Toquinho no Mundo da criança.
Month: November 2009
Corrida de bicicletas de carga…
Svajerløb 2009 – Danish Cargo Bike Championships from Copenhagenize on Vimeo. The first ‘svajer’ race in Copenhagen for almost 50 years. ‘Svajere’ were the bike messengers that ruled the streets of Copenhagen for decades in the first half of the 20th century, riding their huge box bikes and livening up the streets with singing, whistling […]
Copenhagen – City of Cyclists
Copenhagen – City of Cyclists from Copenhagenize on Vimeo. This is a video showing Copenhagens unique bicycle culture as it looks in the beginning of the early 21st century. A monumental motion of everyday people transporting themselves from A to B by pure pedal power. -Each day 37% of everybody in Copenhagen arrives at work […]
Pedalada dia 08/11/2009
View Pedalada dia 08/11/2009 in a larger map A pedalada foi bem longa e complicada no domingo passado… Na verdade, mais complicada do que longa. Foram só 24.5Km, mas com muita lama, buraco, ladeira, pedra, areia fofa, sol, etc. 😀 Desta vez, os participantes foram: Fábio Caparica; Flávia Caparica; Ricardo Bicudo; Guto; Alexandre.
Ataque de Pânico
Montevideo invadida por turba de Robôs…