“Simples” é melhor.
Month: June 2010
O Original. A nova versão. Recomendo!
iPad + Velcro = <3
Visto há algumas semanas pela web… mas só tive tempo de anotar isto por aqui agora. iPad + Velcro from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo. Two of mankind’s greatest inventions, together at last. Note: this is an exploration of what is possible, not necessarily what is practical. Tweet from the street at your own risk! http://jesserosten.com/2010/ipad-velcro
J’ai pas le temps
J’ai pas le temps / I have no time from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo. Gabi – “J’ai pas le temps”Director: Carlos LascanoProduction: Cube Creative / Dreamlife Studio This Music Video was entirely shot on a Canon 7D. (please watch in full screen)check out “The Making of J’ai pas le temps” http://vimeo.com/12200445and the behind the scenes […]
Os benefícios e as limitações das atuais interfaces baseadas em mouses e orientadas à janelas.
The benefits and limitations inherent in current mouse-based and window-oriented interfaces.