//Ascension from //eyellusive >>> alex charleux on Vimeo. Ascension is a 1′ short film achieved in Supinfocom (Valenciennes). //music : the prestige >>> the price of a good trick (this is video is about to be updated soon)
//Ascension from //eyellusive >>> alex charleux on Vimeo. Ascension is a 1′ short film achieved in Supinfocom (Valenciennes). //music : the prestige >>> the price of a good trick (this is video is about to be updated soon)
The Art of Analog Computing from meltmedia on Vimeo. The Art of Analog Computing from meltmedia on Vimeo. The premise of this short film is to represent the digital tools and interfaces we use daily in an analog way. In the analog office, your computer desktop becomes your actual desk, your inbox gets flooded with […]
Rolou um boato no twitter sobre a data de hoje estar referenciada de alguma forma ao primeiro filme da trilogia De Volta Para o Futuro (Back to the Future). E como minha memória não me falha quando é este tipo de assunto, vi logo que estava furado… Resolvi levantar mais infos e abaixo segue uma […]
Dica do Khris!