

v RACER DEMO 0.1 – video game mashup from sputnic on Vimeo. Documentation of the demo setup of “RACER” – an interactive video game installation featuring a racing arcade, rc cars, and lots of cardboard.This is an ongoing (if underfunded) project. concept & design: Malte Jehmlich / sputnic.tvelectronics:Matthes Mikysecproduction assistance: Artur Gerz, Eleni Giannakoudis(plus many […]


Computação Analógica…

The Art of Analog Computing from meltmedia on Vimeo. The Art of Analog Computing from meltmedia on Vimeo. The premise of this short film is to represent the digital tools and interfaces we use daily in an analog way. In the analog office, your computer desktop becomes your actual desk, your inbox gets flooded with […]


iPad + Velcro = <3

Visto há algumas semanas pela web… mas só tive tempo de anotar isto por aqui agora. iPad + Velcro from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo. Two of mankind’s greatest inventions, together at last. Note: this is an exploration of what is possible, not necessarily what is practical. Tweet from the street at your own risk!


Hackeando o sono.

Matt Bell – Hacking the Sleep/Wake Cycle from Loren Risker on Vimeo. Dan Brown presents at Langton Labs on 5/13/2010. (

Comportamento Nerdice

Venho, por estas mal traçadas linhas…

Enfim, venho – por estas mal traçadas linhas – compartilhar um momento importante e comunicar à todos que, nesta data – talvez neste exato momento – estou me casando no civil com Verônica Emilia Campos Freire.