Navegando, encontrei algumas referências visuais interessantes. Como de costume, vou registrando por aqui.
- FRONT is a web design studio based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. We design
and develop high quality web sites that people really like. - FusionFox is one of those names that comes as a result of what’s available in a domain name search.
- Soulshaker’s roots can be traced back to the late 80’s and early 90’s.
Dance music was in it’s infancy and promoter Andy Bunn et al started to
put on parties in the region to cater for demand. - Merix – Internet Technologies was set up in 1993, and it has been paying complex Internet
services since 1999, both for small companies and big institutions. - Dafür haben wir es jetzt geschafft und können unseren Baranda Tequila und seine Botschaft an alle diejenigen verteilen, die vielleicht auch schon immer im Geheimen ein bisschen die Sehnsucht nach Veränderung gespürt haben.
Estes foram vistos em "30 Dark Designs You Should’ve Seen".
- Atlanta Adobe XD Users Group.
- BackTimer – pokus na chvíli vrátit čas do dnů, kdy dlouhé vlasy vlály ve větru, vypadalo to, že lidé by na sebe mohli být hodnější (bohužel jen na chvíli) a hlavně se hrála skvělá muzika, která měla smysl.
- Balada Minas: Coberturas, Festas, Eventos, Etc.
- Daniel Strabley: Selected Works Portfolio.
- HamboDesing finds complete solutions for small business including web style and design, meeting business objectives and finance options.
Estes outros, foram vistos no Light on Dark.