A beautiful “infographically” animated movie that illustrates a 1969 interview of John Lennon by a 14-year-old Beatle fanatic named Jerry Levitan. armed with a reel-to-reel tape deck, Jerry snuck into John Lennon’s hotel room in Toronto & convinced him to do an interview about peace. using the original interview recording as the sole soundtrack, the […]
Tag: animation
Design Patterns e User Interface
Design patterns – Padrões de Interação. Link do ano: Para o Felipe Memória. Yahoo! Design Pattern Library. The Elements of a Design Pattern. Patterns in Interaction Design. (Repeteco!) Standards, Guidelines & Patterns. (Repeteco!) Yahoo! User Interface Library. Yahoo! UI Library: Animation. Yahoo! User Interface Blog. A Guide to Yahoo! Action Buttons. Implementing a Pattern Library […]
Vintage Eastern European stop-motion animation clips. Visto no BoingBoing.